Introducing Tail
How do take an already amazing theme like Tale and make it better? Yup, dark-mode. That and some more changes under the hood is what led to this theme called Tail (as a hat tip to the original theme of course)
Example Content
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tincidunt ornare nibh, non elementum augue tempus eget. Pellentesque tempus scelerisque iaculis.
Managing Excerpt
You can customise the excerpt (the text displayed below each post on the homepage) using the excerpt-separator.
Posts Without Date in Filename
Typically, posts in Jekyll have a YYYY-MM-DD portion in the post’s filename. The individual markdown posts can be freed from this naming convention to reduce the clutter in the filename.
Pagination Post
Here we see Tail’s pagination feature in action. It is set to 5 posts per page by default. Feel free to change this number in the _config.yml file!
Sticky Posts
Sticky, or pinned, posts are featured on the top of every page. Tale provides some flexibility when it comes to this feature.