Posts Without Date in Filename

Typically, posts in Jekyll have a YYYY-MM-DD portion in the post’s filename. The individual markdown posts can be freed from this naming convention to reduce the clutter in the filename.

Also, it become easier to export a set of *.md files from any note-taking app and add them to the _posts folder without worrying about changing the filenames.

Tail does this by using a small plugin that changes the DATE_FILENAME_MATCHER for _posts and _drafts folders

class Jekyll::PostReader
    # Don't use DATE_FILENAME_MATCHER so we don't need to put those stupid dates
    # in the filename. Also limit to just *.markdown, so it won't process binary
    # files from e.g. drags.
    def read_posts(dir)
      read_publishable(dir, "_posts", /.*\.md$/)
    def read_drafts(dir)
      read_publishable(dir, "_drafts", /.*\.md$/)